Friday 16 February 2018

Hi, my name is Leanne and I'm a salsaholic...

My first experience of dancing was when I was about 8 years old and I started having Ballroom dance lessons. I mainly started because my Nanna and Grandad went ballroom dancing twice a week and it encouraged me to give it a go with my sister. I had lessons for almost eight years before I stopped to concentrate more on my school work.

Following this I didn’t dance again until about two and a half years ago. When my friends Ben and Aimi decided to leave their day jobs to set up their own Cuban Salsa dance school I was impressed, but did think they were slightly crazy! As a good friend should, I thought I should support them in their new venture so went along to their first few classes, not really expecting to enjoy it that much. Well, as I said, two and a half years later I am still here! Turns out I enjoy it a little more than expected…!

I can’t tell you what it is about Cuban Salsa that makes it so addictive, I think it’s a combination of the music, the people and the ‘don’t take yourself too seriously’ atmosphere. The classes are always filled with laughter and the whole ethos of the school revolves around enjoying the dance. Aimi and Ben are committed to ensuring the history of the moves and the authenticity of the dance is preserved, whilst at the same time keeping the dance up to date and enjoyable for anyone no matter what your age, ability or day job is!

I have enjoyed every minute of my own salsa story, from those first few ‘here to support a friend’ classes, to now teaching my own classes. So, if Salsa is something you have thought about, no matter how briefly, why not give it a go…. just one class…. what’s the worst that could happen?!? And who knows where it may lead you!