Friday 11 August 2017

Hi, my name is Melanie and I'm a salsaholic...

My first introduction to dance was at the age of 6/7yrs when my mum decided that I should get involved in my local dance class. I threw myself into it wholeheartedly and progressed rapidly to participating in competitions. All was well until I hit my teens and realised that it was neither hip nor cool to do ballroom dancing and in fact I was missing out on the local youth club which was definitely the place to be at that time.

For the next few decades I didn't even think about it and concentrated on the usual, getting married, having a family etc. There just wasn't the time or the funds to be taking dancing classes but I was fine with that, I loved being a mum and was totally happy with my lot. To cut a very long story short, my marriage ended and I was starting a whole new chapter in my life. 10yrs on I met my now husband and he treated me to a trip to Cuba.....I remember it like it was yesterday, stepping off the coach at our hotel and seeing all the dancers there to welcome us, I was awestruck and so my yearn for dancing reappeared. I remember thinking how their bodies looked as if the were made of rubber and was mesmarised by the routines they performed and so wanted to be able to make my body do the same. I joined in at every opportunity and thoroughly enjoyed it but when my holiday came to an end I felt empty and sad that that's where my experience with Cuban salsa would end.

Back home I searched for any Cuban classes that were around but could only find crossbody/NY style classes which I knew were not what I was looking for. Just 2yrs ago I struck gold and came across some classes not a million miles away from me and get this, they were Cuban salsa classes!!
I dragged my friend along with me as I wasn't brave enough to go it alone. My first lesson was brilliant, in my head I was Beyoncé which I definitely wasn't but hey I didn't care, I was having a blast. We did move after move until it was time to go, I didn't want it to end and before long I was doing 5hrs of salsa and totally loving it! My teacher's obvious addiction to Cuban salsa was infectious, I remember watching them dance together and striving to replicate the body movements and dance style, in short I wanted to be able to dance as well as them which with hindsight was crazy as we all have our own individual style and four or five lessons did not make me an expert...

Now, 2yrs on I have met some amazing people through my love of Cuban salsa and my dancing has obviously improved to the point where I now teach at the very dance school I learnt with....If you had told me then I'd be where I am now, I'd have laughed hysterically but it just goes to show, if you're passionate about something and work hard, the sky's the limit!