Friday 16 December 2016

Tiempo España Dance Academy Social Events

Last Sunday we had a Christmas party at Carlton village hall to spend some time with our students and celebrate together before our winter break around the Christmas period. This was the first social dancing event we have organised and given how fast we have been growing over the last year and how good our students are becoming we are eager to organise many more opportunities for social dancing in 2017.
While we may not be able to give students the chance to dance socially in all our locations we are keen to offer regular salsa events and workshops in the future in various locations so that everyone gets the chance to practice their moves without having to drive too far.

Given we have only been teaching Cuban salsa in Yorkshire for just over a year we are extremely proud to have so many students already who are as passionate about Cuban salsa as we are and it is nice to see that more and more people are getting ready for social dancing. It was very nice to see how easily our students from all our classes mixed and that everyone was happy to dance with each other which made for a great atmosphere. Pictures and videos of our first event can be seen on our facebook group page.

Our aim is to bring Cuban salsa dancers in Yorkshire together on a regular basis while keeping the entry prices low so that it remains affordable for people in our community. While we may use a different structure for special events and workshops, our events will be based predominantly on Cuban salsa although elements of other Cuban dances such as Son or Rumba may be introduced over time.
Most events will start with a Rueda class which will be a 1h workshop where we will teach predominantly new moves which we do not teach in any of our ordinary classes. These classes will be a great way to warm up for the social dancing afterwards and they will generally enhance the training received in our regular classes.

There are no plans at the moment to provide classes for absolute beginners at our social dance events as complete beginners can join our weekly group classes at any point for free. This being said, our Rueda classes at the start of most social events will be suitable for all students at any level as long as they are happy with Paso Casino, Di Le Que No, Enchufla and Vacilala. That is, any advanced level 2 to level 7 student will be able to join the Rueda class at the start of our events and learn some new moves that we do not normally teach in class.

Dancing socially is a great way to meet new people and find out who else is interested in Cuban salsa in the region. It is one of the key components to becoming a good dancer in addition to taking regular classes. We will try our best to accommodate our students by providing more social dance opportunities in the future that will enhance their dance training and allow them to practice what they have learned in class.